Alpha FX
Video cards associated with the Alpha FX processor are managed on this page. The user can also quickly assess the status of a card in the summary list to determine if an error has occurred requiring a reset of the resource. During installation, the Alpha FX is added as a resource appliance, but the card configuration takes place here, in the resource admin manager.
Click the
- Finish Setup launches the video card configuration process for arranging the outputs to create the Display. Input assets are created once the first video card of an Alpha FX is configured. See the Topics Discussed section for instructions on setting up the video card for different orientations.
For video cards with the status Online, click the
- Edit Canvas allows you to change the name of the canvas associated with the video card and select whether any outputs use a video splitter.
- Reset Video Card deletes the current configuration, as as any displays, devices, and layouts associated with the video card. After resetting, the card's status is changed to Finish Setup.