To set up an Alpha FX video card for landscape orientation:
Click the user icon in the top right and click Admin > Resources.
Click the Alpha FX option on the left navigation column.
On a video card listing with the status Finish Setup, click the iconimmediately to the left of the video card label.
Click Finish Setup in the subsequent pop-up menu.
Choose either a Basic or Advanced configuration option. If the card was preconfigured in Windows, click the checkbox next to Video Card is Preconfigured.
If the video card is preconfigured, please ensure that your selections in this workflow match your card's configuration. An incorrect selection here is not revertible within the user interface.
The Basic option provides the most streamlined setup options as it uses common resolutions and refresh rates. While the Advanced option allows for custom configuration, the results may vary depending on each user’s unique system components.
Select the appropriate Output Resolution and Output Refresh Rate (Hz).
Enter a Canvas Name.
Select the Output Arrangement and indicate whether any of the outputs use a video splitter , then click Next.
The Canvas was established during video card set up. The number of canvases available corresponds to the number of video cards configured. If during setup the user indicates the video card has no splitter, then the rows and columns designation below assumes each panel has 4k resolution. If the video card does have a splitter, additional options appear for panel resolution.
Review the summary card information. If any of the information needs changed or corrected, click Back to the appropriate page; otherwise, click SaveConfiguration.
After the configuration is saved, a popup appears and the status in the Video Cards table changes from Finish Setup to Initializing.
Do not refresh the browser when the status shows Initializing. During this time, the system is in a vulnerable state, and interruption of the process results in a malfunction which may require a factory reset.
Ensure the status changes to Online. If an error occurs, go back to step 1 and validate all selections are appropriate for the system.
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