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Alpha FX Setup

As integrated with the Command 360 platform, Alpha FX video processors provide processing, rendering, IP encoding/decoding, media playback and content management. The Alpha FX setup is performed directly within the Command 360 platform through a guided wizard.

To set up a resource appliance:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to your organization's Command 360 machine URL: [].


    For information on Command 360 browser support, see Supported Browsers.

  2. Click Next on the welcome page.
    Welcome Screen with Machine URL

  3. Select Resource Appliance for the Machine Type, then click Next.
    Select Machine Type Screen with Resource Appliance Selected

To set up the Alpha FX processor:

  1. Select Alpha FX for the Resource Appliance, then click Next.

  2. Enter the URL or IP address of an existing system Resource Manager, then click Join Resource Manager. In most cases, the system will auto-discover the Resource Manager name, or provide drop-down selection option.

    Join Existing Resource Manager Screen

    A summary page for the Command 360 Resource Appliance appears to recap the following:
    • URL
    • Machine Type
    • Additional Resources
    • Location

    Alpha FX Confirmation Screen

  3. If any of the information needs changed or corrected, click Back to the appropriate page; otherwise, click Finish.

Once the Alpha FX setup is complete, the system finalizes the process.

Upon completion, the Command 360 Site Login page automatically launches. Once the user is logged in, a new Join Request appears on the site landing page. The Admin User can now approve the action requested in step 6 above, allowing the Alpha FX to join the appropriate Resource Appliance.

This completes addition of an Alpha FX as a Resource Appliance.

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