What's New in 3.4
Version 3.4 of Haivision Play Pro for Mobile iOS introduces the following new features and improvements:
- Argon UI: This update brings Haivision’s modern user experience to Play Pro, with a focus on making remote monitoring more intuitive and powerful.
- Streams Screen: The all-new thumbnail driven Streams screen brings all your Local Lineups into a single place.
- Recent Streams: Quickly jump back into a stream with the Recent Streams feature, or scroll through multiple Lineups effortlessly.
- QuickPlay Improvements: QuickPlay has been streamlined to simplify stream configuration, and allows you quickly save streams to a Lineup for later viewing.
- New Standalone Video Player: The updated player for QuickPlays and Lineups includes stream statistics and lets you browse Lineups without ever leaving the stream.
- Easier Local Lineup Management: Managing Local Lineups is easier, with auto-generated thumbnails for SRT and Multicast streams and a new search feature.