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What's New in 3.4

Version 3.4 introduces the following new features and enhancements for Haivision Play Pro iOS:

Argon User Interface
This update brings Haivision’s modern user experience to Play Pro, with a focus on making remote monitoring more intuitive and powerful.
Streams Screen
The all-new thumbnail driven Streams screen brings all your Local Lineups into a single place.
Recent Streams
Quickly jump back into a stream with the Recent Streams feature, or scroll through multiple Lineups effortlessly.
QuickPlay Improvements
QuickPlay has been streamlined to simplify stream configuration, and allows you quickly save streams to a Lineup for later viewing.
New Standalone Video Player
The updated player for QuickPlays and Lineups includes stream statistics and lets you browse Lineups without ever leaving the stream.
Easier Local Lineup Management
Managing Local Lineups is easier, with auto-generated thumbnails for SRT and Multicast streams and a new search feature.
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