Play Pro offers the ability to play an SRT stream with QuickPlay.
For help setting up and watching SRT streams, Haivision has created Playmaker, a free online tool for creating and sharing SRT Caller mode URLs and QR codes.
To learn more about setting up and deploying SRT, as well as version compatibility history, see the SRT Deployment Guide.
There are three methods for launching a QuickPlay stream:
Scan QR Code
To launch a QuickPlay stream from a QR code:
Tap the icon in the top right corner to launch the QuickPlay screen.
Tap the Scan QR code button.
Using your device's camera, scan the QR code. The QuickPlay fields are populated with the settings from the QR code.
Tap the Play Stream button.
Quick Settings
To launch a QuickPlay stream using Quick settings:
Tap the icon in the top right corner to launch the QuickPlay screen.
Enter the stream Address.
Enter the Port number.
Enter a Latency value.
(Optional) Enable the Save to a Local Lineup toggle to add the stream as a channel to a created Local Lineup.
Name the stream.
Enter a Description.
Select a Local Lineup.
Tap the Save Only button to save the channel without launching it.
Tap the Play Stream button.
Advanced Settings
To launch a QuickPlay stream using Advanced settings:
Select the SRT Mode: Caller, Listener, or Rendezvous.
Enter the stream Address.
Enter the Port number.
Enter a Local Port number. A value of 0 auto-assigns the local port.
(Optional) Enable the Encryption toggle to encrypt the stream and create a Passphrase. Users tuning in to an encrypted stream will have to enter this passphrase to view it.
(Optional) Enter a Stream ID.
Enter a Latency value.
(Optional) Enable the Save to a Local Lineup toggle to add the stream as a channel to a created Local Lineup.
Name the stream.
Enter a Description.
Select a Local Lineup.
Tap the Save Only button to save the channel without launching it.
Tap the Play Stream button.
After completing any of the three above methods to launch a QuickPlay stream, you are taken to the Standalone Video Player.
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