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Navigating the Interface

MoJoPro iOS is divided into seven screens (eight if Mission workflows are assigned by a Manager). To navigate between screens, you can either tap the icon on the sidebar of the screen you wish to go to, or you can drag your finger on the sidebar and scroll through the screens.

The screens of MoJoPro iOS are listed below, along with a brief description and a link to the relevant topic:

Live – Start a live transmission to a connected receiver. See Live Streaming.

Record – Create recordings using your device's camera and save or export them. See Recording Video.

Forward – Forward files to a connected receiver. See Forwarding Files.

Editing – Trim and sequence video clips, add a logo overlay, add audio tracks and record voice-overs. See Editing Projects.

Missions (Available when assigned by Manager) – View and select missions. See Selecting a Mission.

Connection – Add, edit, and delete connection profiles. See Managing Connections.

Settings – Modify MoJoPro settings. See Configuring App Settings.

About – View version and copyright information and collect app diagnostics. See Using the About Screen.

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