The Connection screen is where you select, add, edit, duplicate, and delete StreamHub and Manager connection profiles. When opening MoJoPro for the first time after installation, you only have access to the Connection screen.
Tap the Add Connection button to create a new connection profile. For more information, see Adding a Connection.
A blue checkmark on the Connection screen icon indicates a connection has been successfully established.
Connection Actions
Several actions can be taken on created connection profiles:
Tap Select to connect to the selected receiver.
If the connection fails, you can tap Connect to reattempt the connection.
Tap Edit to make changes to the selected connection profile.
Tap Duplicate to create a new connection profile using the same settings as the selected profile. Selecting this takes you to the Adding a Connection screen.
Tap Delete to remove the selected connection profile.
The currently selected connection profile (indicated by a icon on the listing) cannot be deleted.
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