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Roles and Permissions

As shown in the Roles section of the Account Management screenshot below, three system generated roles appear in the list: an admin user role, a limited-access device role and an API role.

Three types of accounts (Regular, Limited, and API) and two types of roles (Admin and Standard) exist in Command 360. The Role Account Type notes whether the role is for regular users, control devices with limited permissions, or API activity control. The Role Type notes whether the role has standard or administrative permissions assigned.


For more information on account types, see the following topics:

During installation, the first administrator role and account with credentials is created. This administrator then assigns permissions for each newly created role. The permissions per specific user are determined by the role assigned to the user's account.

Role Summary Table

Admin Permissions

When at least one permission is granted under the Resource Manager Admin, Site Admin, or Global Admin areas, the role type defaults to Admin. The Admin role status does not automatically assume rights to all admin functions, only those specifically chosen during role creation, or upon future editing. Admin permissions cannot be assigned to LAD or API roles.

Standard Permissions

When at least one permission is granted under the Activity Interface area, the role type defaults to Standard. The Standard role type does not automatically assume rights to all standard functions, only those specifically chosen during role creation, or upon future editing. Admin users may also be limited to certain standard functions if any were not selected during role creation.

Specific admin or standard user permissions may be assigned to roles across four areas of the Command 360 system:

Activity Interface Permissions

Annotations — Temporary display mark-up tool.

Asset Interaction — Allows user to have KVM control of applicable assets on the display.

Audio Control — Adjust volume and change audio source.

Behavior Control — Run behaviors.

CineAgent Custom URL — Navigate the CineAgent browser to websites through the control UI's address bar.

CineAgent Navigation — Navigate the CineAgent browser using predefined bookmarks.

Clear Display — Clear assets on a display.

Device Control — Control devices.

Display Control — Add, remove, modify, and clear assets on a display.

Layouts — Create, manage, and apply layouts from the activity interface.

Live View — Access to Live View and Augmented Live View from the activity interface.

Start/End — Start and end an activity.

Resource Manager Admin Permissions

Access Group Admin — Add, delete, and modify access groups.

Account Admin — Add, delete, modify, and view accounts.

Alpha FX Config — Access the Alpha FX configuration screens.

Asset Config — Add, delete, and modify assets from within asset manager. Includes adding assets to rooms/activities. Provides access to asset settings.

File Config — Upload and delete files.

Hardware Config — Manage Audio processors, CineAgents, CineLinks, Displays, and Devices. This includes managing Device resource links.

Password Admin — Reset an existing user's password to default.

Role Admin — Add, delete, and modify user roles.

Room Config — Add, remove, and modify rooms, activities, CineAgent Browser bookmarks, and behaviors.

Settings Admin — Edit global settings.

Site Admin — Accept and reject requests to join a site and edit the site name.

Global Admin Permissions

Diagnostic Admin — Access to diagnostic tools.

Software Admin — Initiate software update.


While all standard permissions are available to regular accounts, the permissions available to LAD and API accounts vary. The following table lists available LAD and API permissions:

  • Audio Control
  • Behavior Control
  • CineAgent Navigation
  • Clear Display
  • Device Control
  • Layouts
  • Start/End
  • Behavior Control
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