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Accepting the Alpha FX Join Request

The previous action to add the Alpha FX as a resource appliance automatically launches the Command 360 login page. After logging in, the site landing page appears, as shown below. If starting the current action at a later time, follow the steps below to launch the site landing page and accept the join request.

To accept the Alpha FX join request:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to the organization's Command 360 machine URL: []. A new Join Request alert appears at the top of the site landing page.
    Join Request Notification

  2. Click View Request or the notification bell in the top right corner, then click the action icon to launch the acceptance approval box.
    Alpha FX Site Join Request

  3. Validate the information as expected and correct, then click Accept.
    Resource Appliance Join Request

    If the information appears incorrect or the Admin User is not expecting this action, the approval can be delayed by clicking on CANCEL, or rejected with a click of the REJECT button. 

    The request can be re-initiated later if necessary.

This completes acceptance of the Alpha FX as a Resource Appliance.

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