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Configuring Audio Encoder Settings

From the Audio Encoder Detail View, you can configure audio encoding properties such as the bitrate, encoding algorithm, and language for each encoder.

To configure the Audio Encoding Settings:

  1. From the Audio Encoders List View, click the Settings icon
    in the audio encoder panel you wish to modify. 
    The Audio Encoder Detail View opens, displaying the current audio settings for the selected encoder. 
  2. Select or enter the new value(s) in the appropriate field(s). See Audio Encoder Settings.
  3. To start or stop the encoder, click the Start/Stop icon
    (as applicable).
  4. To mute the audio (when active), click the Mute icon



    When an audio encoder is muted, it still generates audio data, but the audio content is silence. For more information, see "Mute" in "Basic Parameters" in Audio Encoder Settings.

  5. To view statistics for the encoder, click the Statistics icon
    . For details, see Audio Encoder Statistics.
  6. To apply your changes, click Apply

  7. To retract the Audio Encoder Detail View, click the Settings icon

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