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Makito X1 Rugged Encoder User's Guide

This user’s guide explains how to configure and manage the Makito X1 Rugged encoder to stream audio, video, and metadata to a compatible decoding device, using either the Web interface, the Command Line Interface (CLI), or an SNMP server.

For information on installing and connecting to the Makito X1 encoder, refer to the Makito X1 Rugged Encoder Installation Guide.


Before using the encoder, please familiarize yourself with the Safety Guidelines and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Disposal notice.


Unless otherwise specified, references to the "Makito X Series" or "Makito X" can be taken to include the Makito X, Makito X4, Makito X1, and Makito FX family of encoders and decoders. 

Guide Contents

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