Setting up a test stream requires that you have an active video source connected to the Makito X1 Encoder. You will need to configure an encoding instance based on your video source, and then configure an output stream for that encoder. For detailed information, refer to Configuring Video Encoders and Configuring Streams (in the User's Guide).
To configure an encoding instance:
Click Streaming on the sidebar, and select the Video Encoders tab. The Video Encoders List View opens.
Click the Settings icon on the encoder panel to open the Video Encoder Detail View, displaying the settings for the selected video encoder.
To configure the encoder, select or enter the new value(s) in the appropriate fields.
Under Streaming Parameters, select TS over UDP for the Protocol.
Under Destination, type in a valid multicast Address (e.g., and Port number (e.g., 2000).
The Multicast address range is from to Multicast addresses from to are reserved for multicast maintenance protocols and should not be used by streaming sessions. We recommend that you use a multicast address from the Organization-Local scope (
To add metadata to the stream, select the Metadata source, and (optionally) select the encapsulation type (Data Carriage).
To apply your changes and start streaming, click Add Stream.
The changes will take effect immediately but will be lost after a reboot. For information on saving configuration settings, refer to Saving and Loading Presets in the User’s Guide.
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