The Audio Editor allows you to add audio tracks, record and insert voice-overs, and edit the volume.
Before continuing, ensure the app is in portrait orientation. For help changing the orientation of MoJoPro, see Configuring App Settings.
To edit a project's audio:
Go to the Editing screen.
Select a project from the list.
Tap the icon to open the Audio Editor.
Tap the drop area to add a new audio track.
Tap the created audio track .
Tap Voice to add a voice-over track, or tap Music to upload music from your device. The icon in the bottom left changes depending on the type of audio selected. Click the expandable sections below to view options for adding Voice and Music:
Tap Choose an audio clip to select a prerecorded voice-over track. OR
Tap Record a voice-over to record a voice-over using your device's audio input. Tap Select to confirm the recording.
Tap Choose an audio clip to upload a music track from your device.
Select a music track.
Tap Select to add the track to the project.
After adding a Voice or Music track, trim the audio to use only a specified portion of the track, play it back, or set it to loop.
Drag the blue handles on the video clip to set the start and end times for the audio track. You can also go to the desired start point of the audio and tap . Then, go to the desired end point and tap .
Drag the blue handles on the audio clip to trim the audio.
Tap the icon to play back the audio.
Tap the icon to loop the audio.
Tap the icon to adjust:
Audio clip volume.
(If Voice is selected) Music volume attenuation.
Tap Done to save your changes.
When you are done making changes, tap Project to return to the previous screen. A blue dot on the icon indicates that you have made changes to the audio. From here, you can:
Tap the drop area to add another video to your project.
Tap the icon to edit the logo overlay. See Adding a Logo Overlay for more information.
Tap the icon to play back your project.
Tap Export to forward and save your project, as well as add metadata tags. See Exporting a Project for more information.
Tap Close to save your changes and return to the Editing screen.
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