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What's New for 1.4

The Makito X1 Rugged Encoder version 1.4 introduces the following new features and enhancements for the Makito X1 Rugged Encoder: 

  • Logo Overlay: Upload a small image to be used as an overlay on encoded video streams. 
    See Configuring Logo OverlaysLogo Settings, and logo
  • Scene Change Detection: Users can now enable Scene Change Detection to improve the appearance of content transitions. 
    See Video Encoder Settings > Encoder Parameters > Scene Change Detection.
  • Slice-based Video Capture: In addition to slice-based encoding, the Makito X1 Rugged Encoder now supports slice-based video capture for even lower encoding latency. 
    See Video Encoder Settings > Encoder Parameters > Slices.
  • UI Updates: This version includes further improvements to the user interface. 
  • 1:2 Aspect Ratio: A new 1:2 aspect ratio has been added. It is recommended for streaming interlaced HEVC streams to a software player that does not support interlaced HEVC. 
    See Video Encoder Settings  > Encoder Parameters > Aspect Ratio.
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