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Deleting a Route

Single Route

Deleting a Single Route

To delete a route:

  1. Click
    Routes in the navigation sidebar. 
  2. In the listings, locate the route that you want to delete
  3. At the end of the route's listing, click the
    Delete option
  4. When prompted, confirm you want to perform this action.

Routes screen, labeled.

Multiple Routes

Deleting Multiple Routes


Bulk actions can only be performed on routes with the same states. If the action buttons are not visible after you click multiple checkboxes, at least one of the routes is in a different state. 

To delete multiple routes:

  1. Click
    Routes in the navigation sidebar. 
  2. Select the checkboxes
    for the desired routes in the listing. 
  3. At the top of the route listings
    , click the Delete button.
  4. When prompted, confirm you want to perform this action.

    Routes screen, labeled, with three routes selected.

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