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Editing a Route


Currently, you can only add an output Hublet to an existing route that is running. 

Editing a Route

To edit a route:

  1. Click
    Routes in the navigation sidebar. If the selection is not visible in the sidebar, click
     to expand the sidebar.
  2. Locate the route you want to edit.
  3. Click the route's name in the listing.
  4. When the Route Builder view opens, click the Edit button 
    on the action bar.

    Route Builder screen, labeled.

  5. Make your desired changes:

    Route Builder screen, labeled, with a Hublet edit panel open.

    • If you want to revise the route name, description, or latency; click the
      next to the name.
    • If you want to add a Hublet, click the + symbol
      next to the Hublet type you want to add.
    • If you want to make changes to the Hublet, click that Hublet
    • If you want to change the Hublet type, click Change option
      at the top of the panel.
    • If you want to Clone the Hublet, click the
    • If you want to Delete the Hublet, click the

  6. When finished, click the Modify button
  7. Once the Hublet panel(s) are closed, click the Save Changes button
  8. Use the
    back button to return to the Routes screen.
Changing a Hublet's Type

To change a Hublet's type:

  1. Click
    Routes on the navigation sidebar. If the selection is not visible, click
    to expand the sidebar.
  2. In the listing, locate the route that includes the Hublet whose type you want to change. 
  3. Click the route's name in the listing.
  4. When the Route Builder view opens, click the Edit button 
    on the status bar.

    Route Builder Screen, labeled.

  5. Next, click a Hublet whose type you want to change. When selected, a Hublet's color changes to blue
  6. When the Hublet panel opens, click Change
    at the top of the panel. 

    Route Builder screen, labeled, with a Hublet edit panel open.

  7. When the Select Hublet Type panel opens, choose the new Hublet type.
  8. Next, provide the required information for the new selection and click the Modify button
  9. When finished, click the Save Changes button
    in the status bar.
Cloning a Route's Hublet

To clone a route's Hublet:

  1. Click
    Routes in the navigation sidebar. If the selection is not visible in the sidebar, click 
     to expand the sidebar.
  2. Locate the route you want to edit.
  3. Click the route's name in the listing.
  4. When the Route Builder view opens, click the Edit button 
     on the action bar.

    Route Builder Screen, labeled.

  5. Next, click a Hublet whose type you want to change. When selected, a Hublet's color changes to blue
  6. When the Hublet panel opens, click
    Copy icon 
     at the top of the panel. 

    Route Builder Screen, labeled, with two identical Output Hublets.

    The panel closes and a clone
    of the selected Hublet now appears below the original Hublet

  7. When finished making your adjustments, click the Save Changes
Deleting a Route's Hublet

To delete a route's Hublet:

  1. Click
    Routes on the navigation sidebar.  If the selection is not visible, click
     to expand the sidebar.
  2. In the listing, locate the route that includes the Hublet whose type you want to change. 
  3. Click the route's name in the listing.
  4. When the Route Builder view opens, click the Edit button 
     on the status bar.

    Route Builder Screen, labeled.

  5. Next, click the Hublet you want to delete. When selected, a Hublet's color changes to blue
  6. When the Hublet panel opens, click the
    Delete option
    from the top of the panel. 

    Route Builder Screen, labeled, with a Hublet edit panel open.

  7. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the Hublet. The panel closes and the selected Hublet is no longer displayed.
  8. Lastly, click the Save Changes button



    If you click the Cancel button instead of the Save Changes button, the Hublet will be restored.

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