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Creating a Route

To create a route, you click the New Route button. Next, you are presented with an assistant, or wizard, that takes you through the process step by step as follows:

Creating a New Route

New Route

To create a route and set its latency: 

  1. Click
    Routes in the navigation sidebar.
  2. When the Dashboard screen appears, click the New Route button at the top right. Or you can click the New Route button on the Routes screen.
  3. When the dialog opens, provide a title for the new route.

    Creating a new route panel.

  4. You can also add an optional description for the route which will appear under the route name when the route is opened in the Routes subscreen. Long descriptions are truncated to 18 characters; however you can hover over the description to display the entire text in a popup window.
  5. The Latency is set to the default for the subscription as specified by your administrator. To override the default, use the Latency dropdown menu.
  6. When finished, click Next.
Establishing the Route Duration

Route Duration

To set the route duration:

  1. Next, specify either an unlimited route duration or a specific duration indicated in hours, minutes and seconds (e.g., hh:mm:ss). 


    Specified durations must be of at least 5 minutes.

    If using a specific duration, use the Time Overrun Action dropdown menu to indicate what should happen if the event exceeds the specified duration:

    • Stop the route when you reach the time limit.
    • Keep the route running and send me a notification.

      Set route duration panel.

  2. Click Apply. The view changes to the Route subscreen. 
  3. Before you can save your route, you will need to create at least one Input Hublet and one Output Hublet and then connect them.
Creating an Input Hublet

Input Hublet


If you want to add an Input Hublet to an existing route, see Adding a Hublet to a Running Route.

To create an Input Hublet:

  1. In the Hublet view, click the + button next to the Input Hublets.
  2. When the dialog opens, select the Hublet type

     such as LIVE contribution encoders or streaming servers.


    The RTMP Input Hublet has two modes: Client and Server. Server mode will provide you with an ingest URL once the route is started. This URL will be used every time the route is started. See the Creating a Route using RTMP Input Example for more information.

    Route Builder screen with an create Hublet panel open.

  3. When the panel appears, provide the Hublet specifics. Mandatory fields are indicated with asterisks.


    You may need to scroll the panel to view all the fields. 

    An Input Hublet edit panel.

    Sample Hublet panel.

  4. When finished, click the Create button. 
Creating a Process Hublet

Process Hublet

Process Hublets receive content from an Input Hublet, make transformations to the content (such as transcoding, titling or ad insertion), and then deliver it to one or more Output Hublets. 

Your Subscription admins can create presets to streamline creation Process Hublets. Work with them to ensure that you have the Hublet preset type that you need.


If you want to add a Hublet to an existing route, see Adding a Hublet to a Running Route. NOTE: Currently, only an Output Hublet can be added to a running route.

To create a Process Hublet:

  1. In the Hublet view, click the + button
     next to the Process Hublets.
  2. When the Process Hublet panel
     opens, select the Hublet type you want to use to transform the content (e.g., transcoding, titling, inserting ads, etc).

    Labeled image of the Route Builder screen with an create Hublet panel open.

  3. Next, provide the Hublet specifics
     as prompted. 
  4. When finished, click Create

    Labeled image of the Route Builder screen with a Hublet edit panel open.
Creating an Output Hublet

Output Hublet


If you want to add an Output Hublet to an existing route, see Adding a Hublet to a Running Route.

To create the Output Hublet:

  1. In the Hublet view, click the + button
    next to Output Hublets.
  2. When the dialog opens, select the Hublet type
    for the external components to which you want to connect (such as low-latency decoders, playout servers and so forth to support LIVE-to-LIVE, LIVE-to-file, and file-to-file workflows.

    Labeled image of the Route Builder screen with an create Hublet panel open.

  3. Next, provide the Hublet specifics

    when prompted. Asterisks indicate mandatory fields.


    You may need to scroll the panel to view all the fields.

    An Output Hublet edit panel.

  4. When finished, click the Create button
  5. Click each Hublet endpoint
    and drag to the next Hublet endpoint to connect the route. 

    A labeled image of the Route Builder screen. The cursor is connecting a Process Hublet endpoint to an Output Hublet endpoint.

  6. Click the Save button
    to keep your changes.

    A labeled image of the Route Builder screen.

  7. When prompted, confirm that you want to save your route.
Connecting Hublets

Connecting Hublets

To connect Hublets:

  1. Click the
    Routes option in the navigation sidebar. 
  2. In the listing, locate the route where you want to connect a Hublet and click the route's name for that listing.
  3. When the Route Builder tab opens, click the Hublet endpoint and drag your cursor to the next Hublet endpoint in the route as appropriate.
  4. When finished, click the Save or Start Route button as necessary.
  5. When prompted, click the Confirm checkbox and the Yes button.

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