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Adding a New Subscription


As an administrator of a Haivision Hub subscription, you can request additional subscriptions from your Haivision account team (visit Access Request). Or click your profile icon and select Request a New Subscription option from the dropdown menu.

When a new subscription is added to your organization, you activate it using the claim code that you received via an email or from your sales representative. See Activating a Subscription.

Once you have received a claim code, perform the following to claim a new subscription:

  1. On the Admin Area tab
    , click the New Subscription button
    at the top right of the screen.

  2. When the Join the Haivision Hub! dialog appears, enter your claim code 
     and the subscription name 
     you want associated with this account. 

    Labeled image of the subscription name and code entry options.

  3. When finished, click the Continue button 

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