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Get Route Statistics

Retrieves statistics about a specific route.

Authorizations: Administrator, Operator, Observer


GET /api/gateway/[Device ID]/statistics?routeID=[Route ID]
cookie: sessionID: [Session ID]


Device IDstringDevice ID retreived via the Get Device Info command.
Route IDstringRoute ID retrieved via the Get Device Configuration command.


Response varies depending on which protocol is used.


The Source ID and Destination ID can be used in subsequent API calls to obtain their specific statistics. See Get Source Statistics and Get Destination Statistics for more information.

  "collectedAt": [Date/time in Unix time],
  "route": {
    "name": "[Route Name]",
    "elapsedRunningTime": "00:00:14",
    "id": "[Route ID]",
    "state": "running",
    "source": {
      <Source Statistics object>
    "destinations": [
        <Destination Statistics object>


collectedAtstringTimestamp when statistics were collected.
routeobjectRefer to the table below for the route object model.

The route object has the following fields:

idstringUnique identifier for the route.
namestringName of the route.
elapsedRunningTimenumberEither an empty string (for idle routes), or a string in HH:MM:SS format (e.g. 00:03:46).
statestringWhether the route is running, idle, or stopped.
sourceobjectSee Source Statistics Object Model for the source statistics object model.
destinationsobject listSee Destinations Statistics Object Model for the destination statistics object model.

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