Destinations Statistics Object Model
The following destination statistics model is returned after issuing the Get Route Statistics and Get Destination Statistics API commands. The definition depends on the destination protocol.
UDP, RTP, and HLS Destinations
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the destination. |
id | string | Unique identifier for the destination. |
mode | string | Destination mode: unicast or multicast. |
state | string | Destination state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected. |
elapsedRunningTime | string | Either an empty string (for idle routes), or a string in HH:MM:SS format (e.g. 00:03:46). |
bitrate | number | Stream bitrate in Mbits/s. |
signalLosses | number | Number of signal losses. |
usedBandwidth | number | Bandwidth used in Mbits/s. |
sendRate | number | Packet send rate in Mbits/s. |
numPackets | number | Number of packets. |
SRT Destinations
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | Name of the destination. |
id | string | Unique identifier for the destination. |
mode | string | Destination SRT mode: caller, listener, or rendezvous. |
protocol | string | Protocol: srt. |
state | string | Destination state: disconnected, connecting, connection established, or connected. |
elapsedRunningTime | string | Either an empty string (for idle routes), or a string in HH:MM:SS format (e.g. 00:03:46). |
bitrate | number | Stream bitrate in Mbits/s. |
signalLosses | number | Number of signal losses. |
usedBandwidth | number | Bandwidth used in Mbits/s. |
sendRate | number | Packet send rate in Mbits/s. |
numPackets | number | Number of packets. |
srtNumLostPackets | number | SRT number of lost (but recovered) packages. |
srtPacketLossRate | number | SRT packet loss rate in percent. |
srtNumSkippedPackets | number | (Receiver only) Missing packets skipped, because they were not recovered in time. |
srtDroppedPackets | number | (Sender only) Number of dropped packets. |
srtRoundTripTime | number | SRT round trip time in ms. |
srtBufferLevel | number | SRT buffer time in ms. |
srtNegotiatedLatency | number | SRT maximum latency in ms. |
srtLatency | number | (Receiver only) SRT latency. |
srtDecryptionState | string | (Receiver only) SRT receiver decryption state: <empty>, active, initializing, inactive (no passphrase), or inactive (invalid passphrase). |
srtPeerDecryptionState | string | (Sender only) SRT peer decryption state: <empty>, active, initializing, inactive (no passphrase), or inactive (invalid passphrase). |
srtEncryption | string | (Receiver only) Indicates the cipher used in the received stream: <empty>, AES128, or AES256. |
srtMaxBandwidth | number | (Sender only) SRT maximum bandwidth used in Mbits/s. |
srtRetransmitRate | number | SRT retransmit rate in bits/s. |
srtEstimatedBandwidth | number | (Sender only) SRT estimated path max bandwidth in bits/s. |
clientStat | object list | (SRT listener only) Array of route client statistics objects. See below for the client statistics model. |
connections | object list | (SRT caller and rendezvous only). Array of destination connections objects. See SRT Statistics Connections Object Model for the definition. |
Client Statistics Model
The following client statistics model is returned as part of the response to a Get Destination Statistics or Get SRT Client Statistics API command for SRT Listener outputs.
Field | Type | Description |
label | string | Listener output label. |
address | string | Client address. |
port | number | Client connection port. |
bitrate | number | Stream bitrate. |
signalLosses | number | Number of signal losses. |
srtVersion | string | SRT protocol version of the listener. |
SRTPeerVersion | string | SRT protocol version of the client. |
usedBandwidth | number | Bandwidth used in Mbits/s. |
connections | object list | Array of destination connections objects. See SRT Statistics Connections Object Model for the definition. |