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Single Sign-On and Active Directory Integration

Command 360 supports any SAML2-based authentication single sign-on (SSO) and active directory (AD) integration. This is configured during system installation while setting up a Third-Party Identity Provider (IdP).


In the context of SAML endpoints, all URLs are case-sensitive.

SAML Certificate Generation

Before configuring Third-Party IdP settings, the admin of the SSO system needs to create an SAML application, then generate an SSO signing certificate. Use the following values when generating the certificate:

  • Assertion Consumer Service URL: https://<FQDN of the Command 360 Manager>/Haivision/Authorization/Saml2/Acs
  • Audience: https://haivision/external/identity

Third-Party System & Admin Settings

The following fields from the generated SAML certificate are necessary to complete SSO setup on Command 360:

System Settings
IssuerThis is a URL that uniquely identifies your IdP.
Login URLThe SAML service provider URL the user signs in to.
Metadata URLThe URL for the service provider from which user metadata is sent.
Admin Settings
IdP Admin Role AttributeAn attribute from your SAML token that identifies a user that should be granted the Command 360 admin role for initial setup. This maps to the Hai_Admin XREF value (see Roles and Permissions).Org_AdminUser
IdP Admin Root Access AttributeAn attribute from your SAML token that identifies a user that should be granted the Command 360 admin access group for initial setup. This maps to the Hai_Root XREF value (see Access Groups).Org_RootAccess
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