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Device Options

Clicking the

icon on the far left of a device listing produces a pop-up menu for various device options. This topic lists the tasks associated with each option.

Device Options Menu

Edit Device

To edit device details:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of a device listing.
  2. Click Edit Device.
    Device Info Fields

    From here, you can edit:
    • Name
    • IP Address
    • Port

  3. Click Save Device.

Test Device

The Test Device feature allows you to control a device that is in the same physical room or whose interface is accessible in some capacity. The device controls do not provide any feedback in the Command 360 interface.

To control a device:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of a device listing.
  2. Click Test Device. A control panel opens on the right.
    Test Device Panel

  3. Use the controls to interact with the device.
  4. When you are finished, click Close.

Change Profile

Changing the profile for a device allows you to easily swap control UIs and actions available for it.

To change a device's profile:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of a device listing.
  2. Click Change Profile.
  3. Select a new Profile from the drop-down menu.
    Change Profile Panel

  4. Click Next.
  5. If needed, edit the device's Name, IP Address, and Port.
    Change Profile Fields

  6. Click Change Profile.

To link an asset to a device:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of a device listing
  2. Click Manage Resource Links.
  3. Select an Asset from the drop-down menu.
    Manage Resource Links Panel

  4. Click Save Links.

Add to Rooms/Activities

To add a device to a room or activity:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of a device listing.
  2. Click Add to Rooms/Activities.
  3. Click the checkbox next to each room or activity to which you are adding the device.

  4. Click Add to Rooms/Activities.

Delete Device

To delete a device:

  1. On the Devices page, click the
     icon on the far left of the device listing.
  2. Click Delete Device. A confirmation prompt appears.
    Delete Device Confirmation Prompt

  3. Click Delete Device.
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