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Adding Devices

To add a device:

  1. Click the user icon in the top right and click Admin Resources
  2. Click Devices on the left navigation column.
    Empty Device Page

  3. Click the Add Device button. The Add Device panel appears on the right.
    Add Device Panel

  4. Select the (optional) Category of the profile to add.
  5. Click the Profile drop-down menu and select the profile that matches the device. 

    Populated Category and Profile Fields


    If you are adding a device that does not have a supported profile, you can create a custom profile and edit the default port, command format, actions, shortcuts, and device UI. See Custom Profiles for more information.

    Supported device profiles and their default port values are listed in the tabs below.

    Cable/Satellite Tuner
    • Comcast Cable Tuner: 4998
    • Spectrum Cable Tuner: 4998
    Media Player
    • Apple TV: 4998
    • Denon Professional Blu-ray Player: 4999
    • CineView II: 9761
    • NEC Professional Series: 7142
    • Philips Professional Series: 4999
    • Planar Clarity Matrix 3 Series: 57
    • Planar SL Series: 4999
    • Planar VM Series: 4999
    • Samsung Professional Series: 1515
    • Vivitek OEM Projector: 4999

  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter a Name for the device.
    New Device Additional Info Fields

  8. Enter the IP Address of the device.


    You can enter multiple IP addresses in this field. Press the Enter key to separate addresses. The Port number should be the same for each device.

  9. Enter the Port number on which to connect to the device.
  10. Confirm the device details are entered correctly. To return to the previous screen and change the device profile, click the Back button. Otherwise, click Add Device
  11. Select Manage Resource Links or Skip for Now.
    Device Success Message

  12. Click Finish.
  13. If choosing to Manage Resource Links, click the Asset drop-down menu and assign the device to an asset.
    Manage Resource Link

  14. Click Save Links.

The newly-added device appears in the summary table:

Device Summary Table

Clicking the 

icon next to a device listing brings up several Device Options.

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