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Custom Profile Options

Clicking the

 icon on a custom profile listing allows you to edit its name, copy the profile, or delete it.

Custom Profile Options

Editing Custom Profiles

To edit the name of a custom profile:

  1. Click the user icon in the top right and click Admin > Resources.
  2. Click the Devices option on the left navigation column.
  3. Click the Custom Profiles tab.
  4. Click the
     icon on the far left of a custom profile listing.
  5. Click Edit Custom Profile. The Edit Custom Profile panel opens on the right.
    Custom Profile Fields

  6. Enter a new Profile Name.
  7. Click Save Custom Profile.

Copying Custom Profiles

Copying a custom profile creates a new profile derived from the original. This may be useful if you are using similar devices (e.g., cable tuners) from two different brands and need different controls for each device.

To copy a custom profile:

  1. Click the
     icon on the far left of a custom profile listing.
  2. Click Copy Custom Profile. A modal opens.
    Copy Custom Profile Modal

  3. Enter a Profile Name.
  4. Click Copy Custom Profile.

The new profile appears in the list. 

Deleting Custom Profiles

To delete a custom profile:

  1. Click the
     icon on the far left of a custom profile listing.
  2. Click Delete Custom Profile. A confirmation prompt appears.

    Delete Custom Profile Confirmation Prompt


    As noted in the confirmation prompt, deleting a custom profile will also delete any devices using that profile.

  3. Click Delete Custom Profile.
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