Once you've added a stream, the player will display the running video on the main page. From here, you can use the basic player controls to manage your stream, and supervise associated metadata and statistics.
Title Bar
From the Title Bar:
Click to open the Side Bar.
Click next to the Stream Title to save the stream.
View the stream title.
For saved streams, the title will be the given stream name. For streams that have not been saved, the title will show the stream's Protocol, Address, and Port number.
Use the Window Controls to minimize, maximize, or close the player window.
Click and hold any empty space on the title bar to drag the player window.
The Side Bar must be closed in order to move the player window.
Control Bar
To control the stream-pay:
Click the Play/Stop button / to start or stop the video stream.
You can also play or stop the video using the spacebar on your keyboard.
Track the Video Up-Time on the player.
Click the Snapshot icon to save an image of the running video feed.
By default, snapshots save to your downloads using the stream URL, or name (when configured) as part of the snapshot filenames. From the player settings, snapshots can be configured to include Metadata, Statistics, or Overlays. See Play ISR Settings for details.
Adjust the Volume level by clicking the Volume icon.
If the stream has no audio, the volume icon will be disabled.
Click the Expand icon to enlarge the video to full screen, and the Collapse icon to exit full screen.
You can also exit full screen by pressing the Esc key, or the f key, on your keyboard.
Statistics / Metadata
To view the stream's statistics and/or metadata:
Click the Overlays icon to open the overlay options menu.
From this menu, select Metadata </> (when available, metadata overlays will be formatted according to MISB ST 1909 standards) or Statistics to display the corresponding information over the video feed.
Statistics overlay function example:
Metadata overlay function example:
When available, Frame Center coordinates will be prioritized over Target coordinates in the metadata overlay.
Click the Tray icon to open/close a side tray displaying the Statistics or Metadata (when available). From here:
Use the Statistics / Metadata toggle to switch the information displayed on the tray.
For Transport Streams (SRT/UDP) the Play ISR statistics will provide the Program IDs for the Audio and Video essences.
For SRT Streams, the Statistics tray will show Delay and Bandwidth graphs.
Scroll down the tray to reset the statistics by clicking the Reset Statistics button.
From the metadata tab, you can toggle between Basic and Extended metadata.
In the Basic Metadata list:
Play ISR will consistently display Classification metadata items, even if they don't occur in every metadata packet.
Metadata is organized in groups according to MISB 1909.
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