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The audenc command is used to manage encoder audio acquisition settings. The audenc start and audenc stop commands can be used to start and stop encoding of the audio input. ID is either the encoder ID or all.

  • On the Makito X-DVI, the encoder ID is 0, 1, 2, or 3.
  • On the Makito X-SDI, the encoder ID is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.

For details, see Configuring Audio Encoders.


audenc ID start
audenc ID stop
audenc ID mute
audenc ID unmute
audenc ID set parameter=value [parameter=value...]
audenc ID get [config, stats, all]
audenc ID clear




Activates encoding of the audio input


Stops encoding of the audio input.


Mutes encoding of the audio input (i.e., causes the encoder to encode silence instead of the selected audio input.)


This may be used when you do not wish to encode the audio but the decoder being used does not support decoding of video-only streams.


Resumes encoding of the audio input (when muted)


Configures encoder audio parameters. A series of one or more parameter=value pairs can be specified at once. See Parameters below.


Displays encoder audio status information. You can specify configuration, stats, or all audio information.


To display a summary of all the encoders in a table format, you can use audenc all get table.


Clears the encoder’s statistics.


Displays usage information for the audenc command.





The Audio Input for the encoder. The available values depend on your Makito X device.

For Makito X DVI devices:

  • Analog
  • DVICH12

For Makito X SDI devices:

  • Analog
  • SDI1CH1+2, SDI1CH3+4, SDI1CH5+6, SDI1CH7+8, SDI1CH9+10, SDI1CH11+12, SDI1CH13+14, SDI1CH15+16
  • SDI2CH1+2, SDI2CH3+4, SDI2CH5+6, SDI2CH7+8, SDI2CH9+10, SDI2CH11+12, SDI2CH13+14, SDI2CH15+16


    The SDI2 audio inputs are only available on dual-BNC systems.


The language used for input. Enter a 3-character long ISO639-2 code or none.

If you don't know the code for a language, you can directly enter one of the languages below in full or abbreviated form:

  • Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech,
  • Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek,
  • Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Icelandic, Italian,
  • Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese,
  • Mongolian, Norwegian, Punjabi, Persian, Polish, Portuguese,
  • Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish,
  • Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.



The maximum analog Audio Input level from +5dBU up to +20dBU.


Only applies to Analog Audio Input.



The number and type of audio channels to encode.

  • mono (left)
  • monoright
  • stereo



The audio compression algorithm:

  • [mpeg2]adts - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 13818-7 MPEG-2 AAC-LC algorithm with an ADTS header.
  • loas - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 AAC-LC algorithm with a LOAS/LATM header.


128 kbps

The Audio Bitrate for the encoder.


The available bitrate range depends on the current mode.

  • For mono, the bitrate range is 56 to 160 kbps.
  • For stereo, the bitrate range is 80 to 320 kbps.



Selects the video input from which the audio STC (System Time Clock) is derived. The available values depend on your Makito X device.

For Makito X DVI devices:

  • Auto
  • digital
  • analog

For Makito X SDI devices:

  • Auto
  • BNC1
  • BNC2


When configuring the audio, in some cases, it may be necessary to specify the video input from which to derive the audio clock. An example would be if both SDI and Analog audio inputs are connected and you create two streams that share video input but each stream uses a different audio input. For more information, see System Time Clock Interface (Video Input Selection) below.

System Time Clock Interface (Video Input Selection)

When configuring the audio, you have to specify the video input from which to derive the audio clock so that it “runs” in lockstep with the video input and its STC (System Time Clock) moves forward at the same rate. This helps decoders with the playback and lip sync.

When audio encoders are configured to use an SDI input (SDI1chx or SDI2chy), it is expected and recommended that the source of the video for that encoder is the exact same SDI input. However, when audio encoders are configured to use an Analog input, the encoder has no way to know from which video input this particular audio encoder should derive its clock and STC.

When you set stcif to Auto selection of the STC source, when a new stream is created or started, if the stream contains audio and is using Analog for an input, the encoder checks if the stream also has video. If it does, it checks the currently configured input for that video encoder and sets the STC source of the audio encoder to match it.


# audenc 0 set input=SDI1CH1+2

For Makito X SDI, sets the Audio Input to SDI1CH1+2

# audenc 0 set input=DVICH12

For Makito X DVI, sets the Audio Input to DVICH1+2

# audenc 0 set bitrate=128

Sets the Audio Bitrate to 128. You will receive the following confirmation:

Audio encoder configured successfully
# audenc 0 get


# audenc 0 get config

Returns audio configuration information for the encoder, such as:

Encoder ID               : 0
Name : "Audio Encoder 0"
Audio Input : SDI1CH1+2
Audio Bitrate : 128 kbps
Audio Samplerate : 48 KHz
Audio Mode : Stereo
Audio Algorithm : ADTS
# audenc 0 get stats

Returns audio status information for the encoder, such as:

Encoder ID         : 0
Name : "Audio Encoder 0"
Encoded Frames : 881,906
Encoded Bytes : 301,024,128
Encoded Bitrate : 128 kbps
Encoder Errors : 0
Encoder PTS : 0x06503e698
STC Source Interface : BNC-1

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