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Audio Encoder Settings

The following table lists the Audio Encoder controls and settings:

Input Parameters

Audio Encoder  SettingDefaultDescription/Values
InputSDI1 (1-2)

Select the Audio Input for the encoder.

  • SDI1 (1-2). . (15-16)
  • SDI2 (1-2). . (15-16)
  • SDI3 (1-2). . (15-16)
  • SDI4 (1-2). . (15-16)
  • Analog (Makito X4 Rugged only)

Basic Parameters

Audio Encoder SettingDefaultDescription/Values
Channel ModeStereo

Select the number and type of audio channels to encode:

  • Stereo
  • Mono-Left
  • Mono-Right
Bitrate128 kbps

Select the Audio Bitrate for the encoder:

  • Mono: 12 to 288 kbps
  • Stereo: 14 to 576 kbps


As of v1.4, the Makito X4 allows lower audio encoding bitrates (intended for very limited bandwidth streaming situations), as well as higher quality audio encoding at higher bitrates. 

Sample Rate (kHz)48 kHzThe number of audio samples per second taken from the incoming signal. 48 kHz only.

The audio compression algorithm:

  • MPEG-2 ADTS - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 13818-7 MPEG-2 AAC-LC algorithm with an ADTS header. (Default)
  • MPEG-4 LOAS/LATM - Encodes audio using the ISO/IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4 AACLC algorithm with a LOAS/LATM header.
0 dBFS Audio Level (dBu)+6 dBu

(Analog Input only) Adjusts the maximum analog Audio Input signal level (0 dBfs) from 0 to +6dBU. 


This is useful in applications such as broadcast and streaming to allow higher audio headroom.
Languagen/a(Optional) To specify the language of the input, start typing letters and select the language from the list. The language values are three-letter codes, defined in ISO 639-2 (


n/aClick Statistics to view statistics for the encoder. See Audio Encoder Statistics.


n/aClick Mute to encode silence instead of the selected audio input. For example, this may be used when you do not wish to encode the audio but the decoder being used does not support decoding of video only streams.




Click Stop to stop an active encoder.

Click Start to start or restart a stopped encoder.

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