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The tzconfig command is used to configure the timezone on Makito X Series devices. tzconfig displays the current timezone and prompts you to change the timezone (Y,N). To change the timezone, type Y and follow the prompts for information about the current location. When you have completed your selections, the Makito X saves the newly configured time zone information.




# tzconfig

Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.

Please select a continent or ocean.
1) Africa
2) Americas
3) Antarctica
$? 2
Please select a country.
1) Antigua & Barbuda 2) Anguilla 3) Netherlands Antilles 4) Argentina 5)
Aruba 6) Barbados
7) Bolivia 8) Brazil 9) Bahamas
10) Belize 11) Canada 12) Chile
$? 11
Please select one of the following timezone regions.
1) St_Johns 2) Halifax 3) Glace_Bay
4) Goose_Bay 5) Montreal 6) Toronto
$? 5

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