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ISR Metadata

Metadata InputsMetadata Outputs
  • CoT to KLV conversion
  • KLV or CoT over serial (RS-232/422)
  • KLV or CoT over UDP
  • KLV over SDI (SMPTE 336)
  • SMPTE 336M compliant
  • MISB 0601.10 compliant
  • MISB 0604.2 compliant
  • SMPTE 12M Timecode
  • SMPTE 334-1/2 closed captioning
  • SCTE 104 insertion markers
  • Asynchronous & synchronous modes
    (as per MISB 0604.2)
  • High precision timecode insertion
    (as per MISB 0604.2)
  • KLV Metadata Processing (SMPTE 336,  MISB 0601, 0102 and 0605 support)
  • SCTE 35 insertion markers

New - following datasheet - TBD

Metadata Inputs and Processing
  • KLV over UDP, SDI (SMPTE 336M)

  • MISB 0601, 0604 Compliant

  • SMPTE 12M

  • Asynchronous and Synchronous modes

  • KLV Metadata Processing and Filtering

  • High Precision Timestamps 

Old Specs - TBD

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