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What's New or Changed in 6.2

Version 6.2 introduces the following new features and enhancements to MoJoPro iOS:

iOS 18 Support
Support has been added for iOS 18.
Embedded Timecode in Recordings
Exported recordings contain a timecode in SMPTE format. Timecodes can be generated according to three user-selected modes: disabled, free run, or record run.
Automatic Live
A new Advanced setting has been added: Auto Start Live. With this enabled, MoJoPro starts live streaming as soon as the app is started, the app moves from the background to the foreground, the user selects a new connection profile, or the app loses and reestablishes a connection with a receiver.
Remote Camera Settings Control

Control the following settings via StreamHub REST API: camera selection, camera settings (ISO, White Balance, Focus, Shutter Speed, and Zoom), and audio gain.


For information on accessing StreamHub API documentation, refer to the StreamHub User's Guide.

New Minimum Live Latency
To allow greater control over live transmission settings, the minimum end-to-end latency value for Lives has been reduced to 800 ms.
Lock/Unlock Live and Record Views
You can now lock/unlock the Live and Record views to avoid an unexpected event on the touch screen interfering with the on-screen controls.
VU Meter Audio Channel Display

The audio channel number is now listed alongside its associated level bar on the VU meter. See the images below for examples.



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