What's New or Changed in 6.2
Version 6.2 introduces the following new features and enhancements to MoJoPro iOS:
iOS 18 Support
Support has been added for iOS 18. |
Embedded Timecode in Recordings
Exported recordings contain a timecode in SMPTE format. Timecodes can be generated according to three user-selected modes: disabled, free run, or record run. |
Automatic Live
A new Advanced setting has been added: Auto Start Live. With this enabled, MoJoPro starts live streaming as soon as the app is started, the app moves from the background to the foreground, the user selects a new connection profile, or the app loses and reestablishes a connection with a receiver. |
Remote Camera Settings Control
Control the following settings via StreamHub REST API: camera selection, camera settings (ISO, White Balance, Focus, Shutter Speed, and Zoom), and audio gain. Note For information on accessing StreamHub API documentation, refer to the StreamHub User's Guide. |
New Minimum Live Latency
To allow greater control over live transmission settings, the minimum end-to-end latency value for Lives has been reduced to 800 ms. |
Lock/Unlock Live and Record Views
You can now lock/unlock the Live and Record views to avoid an unexpected event on the touch screen interfering with the on-screen controls. |
VU Meter Audio Channel Display
The audio channel number is now listed alongside its associated level bar on the VU meter. See the images below for examples. Mono: Stereo: |