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Configuring App Settings


 Settings screen is where you configure app-wide settings, including Live and Record options. The table below lists available settings, their values, and a brief description.

Settings Screen in Landscape Orientation

To access the Settings screen:

  • Go to the
    Menu screen and tap
  • Basic
  • Advanced

The settings mode is controlled by the slider at the top of the Settings screen.

If set to Basic mode, the following settings are configurable: video resolution, video framerate and audio mode. Camera settings are automatically configured and cannot be modified from the Live or Record screens.

Video Framerate
  • 25
  • 29.97

  • 30
  • 50

  • 59.94

  • 60

Sets the framerate for both live transmissions and recordings. 
Audio Mode
  • Stereo
  • Mono
Sets the audio mode for both live transmissions and recordings. 
  • Auto
  • Portrait
  • Landscape
Displays the app in the selected orientation. Auto automatically detects the device's orientation and displays the app accordingly.
Lock Screen*
  • Disabled
  • Manual
  • Auto

When active, locks the Live or Record views to avoid unexpected screen touches interfering with camera settings.

Manual: Allows you to lock the Live or Record views immediately with a dedicated icon on those screens.

Auto: Automatically locks the Live or Record views if there is no interaction with the screen for 10 seconds.

Configurable Audio Gain*Enabled/disabled

If enabled, the user can adjust the audio in the VU-meter bar from the Live or Recording screens. 


This setting only applies if an external microphone is connected.

Mirror Front Camera*


If enabled, the video preview on the Live and Record screens is mirrored horizontally when the front camera is selected.


Mirroring the front camera only affects the video preview, not the captured video.

Camera Stabilization*


Enables/disables camera stabilization.
BGAN Transmission*Enabled/disabledEnables/disables transmission over BGAN satellites. 
Screensaver*Enabled/disabledIf enabled, a screensaver will start when a Live or Recording is in progress and the screen has not been touched for 30 seconds. The screensaver consists of a black screen with a Live or Record timer.
Video Encoding*
  • H.264/AVC
  • H.265/HEVC
The video codec used for live transmissions.
Video Resolution
  • 1920x1080
  • 1280x720
  • 640x360
  • 640x480
The resolution used for live transmissions.
Audio Bitrate*
  • 64 kbps
  • 128 kbps
  • 256 kbps
The audio bitrate for live transmissions.
Latency*800 ms – 10.0 secEnd-to-end latency between the camera and decoder output.
Video Bitrate Cap*100 kbps – 10.0 MbpsSets the maximum video bitrate for the live transmission to reach. When selecting a live resolution, this value is automatically adjusted to best support the selected resolution.
Dynamic Resolution*Enabled/disabled

If enabled, the resolution is dynamically adjusted in time according to the network throughput. The configured Live resolution is the target MoJoPro will attempt to reach. It is recommended to enable this setting when transmitting over cellular network. 

If disabled, the resolution selected under Video Resolution is used.

Auto Start Live*Enabled/disabled

If enabled, MoJoPro starts live streaming immediately once a connection is established with receiver and a story is selected (if one is assigned).


With this enabled, a Live is started automatically regardless of whether Auto-Connect is enabled in the connection profile.

Auto Record at Live Start*Enabled/disabledIf enabled, a separate local recording is automatically started when the user starts a live transmission. 
Video Encoding*
  • H.264/AVC
  • H.265/HEVC
The video codec used for recordings.
Video Resolution
  • 3840x2160

  • 1920x1080
  • 1280x720
  • 640x360
  • 640x480

The resolution used for recordings. The video bitrate used for each resolution is listed below:

  • 3840x2160: 32 Mbps
  • 1920x1080: 7 Mbps
  • 1280x720: 5 Mbps
  • 640x360: 2.5 Mbps
  • 640x480: 2.5 Mbps
Audio Bitrate*
  • 64 kbps
  • 128 kbps
  • 256 kbps
The audio bitrate used for recordings.
Embed Timecode*
  • Disabled
  • Free run
  • Record run

If enabled, embeds a timecode in exported .MOV recording files in SMPTE format (hour:minute:second:frame). Two user-selected modes determine how the timecode is generated:

Free run: In this mode, the timecode is incremented continuously. The user can additionally select the Timecode Source (either Time of Day or User Defined).

Time of Day (TOD): Generates timecode based on system time.

User Defined: Generates timecode based on user-defined Start Time (starts at 00:00:00:00 by default).

Record run: In this mode, the timecode is only incremented while recording is in progress. The user can define the Start Time (00:00:00:00 by default).

Auto Save after Record*Enabled/disabled

If enabled, the recording is automatically saved without user confirmation.

If disabled, the user is prompted to confirm the file save when the recording is stopped. The file can be watched and renamed before saving.

Auto Forward after Record*Enabled/disabled

If enabled, automatically forwards a file after it is recorded to the currently selected connection.

Product Analytics

Enable Anonymous AnalyticsEnabled/disabled

If enabled, allows Haivision to collect anonymous user analytics. See the Haivision Privacy Policy for more information.



Displays the installed app version and build number. You can also produce a diagnostic log from this section to help troubleshoot issues. See Generating a Diagnostic Report.

* Requires Advanced mode to be configurable. 

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