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Connect to A/V Sources

To connect to Audio/Video sources:

  • Connect your video source cable to the MFX’s HDMI input, or the SDI video input using the BNC connector.


The Makito FX Encoder can ingest up to 4K signals from either the HDMI input or the SDI input, but not both at the same time. 

HDMI video configurations of 4K UHD (Ultra High Definition) are available with resolutions up to 3840x2160p60.

The following SDI video configurations are available: 

4K UHD (Ultra High Definition) Input carried in one 12G/6G-SDI channel 

  • 12G/6G/3G-SDI single channel ingest of UHD resolutions (up to 3840 x 2160p60). 

  • Use scenario:  UHD Video 3G/6G/12G-SDI → Makito FX Encoder → stream to decoder
    UHD video transport; 3G/6G/12G-SDI infrastructure required.

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