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Audio/Video Interfaces

Video and Embedded Digital Audio Interfaces

The Makito FX SDI video interface consists of one full-size BNC connector, and one full-size HDMI connector.

The BNC connector is used for SD-SDI (Serial Digital Interface), HD-SDI, 3G-SDI, 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI video input signals.
The HDMI connector is used for HDMI 2.1 digital video input signals with resolutions up to 3840x2160p60

Both HDMI and SDI connections support auto-detection of the video input signal and embedded digital audio.


The Makito FX Encoder can ingest 4K signals from either the HDMI input or the SDI input, but not both at the same time. 


Be sure to use an HD video-capable RG-6 coaxial cable such as the Belden 1694A up to 300 feet. Otherwise, the video signal may be too attenuated and the encoder will not sync with it. 

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