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Static Ladders

There are some situations where the predictability of your output outweighs other considerations, such as cost — for example, when you want to ensure a similar experience across all devices. In such cases, LightFlow allows you to define custom static ladders.

Adding a Rendition

To add a rendition to the Static Ladder profile, click Add rendition and then configure the following parameters:

  • Packaging: MP4, MP3, MPEG-DASH, HLS, MSS
  • Video bitrate (Kbps): Target bitrate
  • Video Width: Number of pixels
  • Video Height: Number of pixels
  • Video FPS: Number of frames per second (FPS=0 for passthrough)
  • Video Codec: H264, VP9, NONE
  • H.264 Profile: Baseline, Main, High
  • Audio Codec: AAC, MP3
  • Audio Bitrate (Kbps): Maximum value is 384 Kbps
  • Audio Channels: Passthrough, or up to 8 audio channels
  • Audio Sample Rate: Passthrough, or one of thirteen discrete options from 7350 to 96000 Hz
  • AAC Profile: AAC-LC, HE-AACv1, or HE-AAC v2

Developer Mode

You can configure parameters in Developer Mode to adjust the output to specific requirements:

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