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Supported Video Formats

LightFlow supports a wide range of video/audio codecs and media containers:


3g2, 3gp, aac (dts), asf, avi, dif, dv, f4v, flv, m4a, m4v, mkv, mj2, mov, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpegts, mpg, mxf, ogg, ps, ts, webm, wmv

Video codecs

DiVX, DV, DV25, DV50, DVCPro 50, H.263, H.264, H.265 (HEVC), IMX 30, ProRes, Motion-JPEG, MPEG HDV 1080i, MPEG V1 Layer 2, MPEG2 V2 (m2v1), MPEG4 Part 2, MPEG XDCAM HD422, VP8, VP9, WMV

Audio codecs

AAC, HE-AAC, mp3 (MPEG V1 Layer 2 & 3), PCM, WMA2, WMV (pro)

Supported Input/Output Storage

LightFlow supports a variety of input and output storage types. If you don't see your storage solution here, please contact Haivision Support for assistance.

Input & Output

To create a storage location as source/destination of videos for LightFlow, send a POST request to the /inputs-outputs endpoint. The response will include the unique identifier of the input/output storage location, which can be later selected as input (InputId) and/or output (OutputId) when posting a video. Click on the links above for guides to configure specific storage types.

Supported Encoders

The built-in LightFlow UltraFast Encoder segments the source video into chunks fed to multiple encoder instances. Alternatively, the following 3rd party encoders are supported:

To add your encoder to your LightFlow API workflow, send a POST request to the /encoders endpoint. The response will include the unique identifier of the encoder, which can be later selected as encoder when posting a video. Please contact contact Haivision Support if you wish to have your current encoder added to LightFlow.

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