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LightFlow features a built-in UltraFast Encoder, which segments the source video into chunks fed to multiple encoder instances for accelerated encoding. Alternatively a 3rd party encoder can be used. 

  • Click on the associated pencil icon to edit an encoder in the list. Click the trashcan icon to delete it.
  • To create a new encoder, choose from one of these options:
    • LightFlow UltraFast encoder: Default option
    • Custom encoder: A supported 3rd party encoder
    • No encoder: The output will be the list of optimal bitrates/resolutions

 The following third-part encoders are supported:


AWS MediaConvert

To configure an AWS MediaConvert encoder for use with LightFlow click the corresponding button on the Encoders page, then enter the following information:

  • Encoder name: The name of the encoder as it will appear in the LightFlow portal.
  • API Key: API Key generated in AWS console to access the encoder.
  • Endpoint URL: API Endpoint URL provided by AWS to access the encoder (example:
  • Queue: ID of the On demand Queue. If empty, the default queue configured in AWS will be used (example: arn:aws:mediaconvert:us-east-2:1111111111111:queues/Default).
  • Role: Role to use to create encoding jobs (example: arn:aws:iam::1111111111111:role/MediaConvertRole).
  • Input Bucket: The unique identifier of the S3 storage to be used as the default input storage.
  • Output Bucket: The unique identifier of the S3 storage to be used as the default output storage.


To configure a Brightcove encoder for use with LightFlow click the corresponding button on the Encoders page, then enter the following information:

  • Encoder name: The name of the encoder as it will appear in the LightFlow portal.
  • Client ID: The Client ID of the Brightcove account.
  • Client Secret: The Client Secret of the Brightcove account.
  • Account ID: The ID of the Brightcove account.
  • Fallback Profile ID: The ID of the default encoding profile. It will be used in case of failure while creating a custom encoding profile for a specific asset.

Azure Media Services

To configure an Azure Media Services encoder for use with LightFlow click the corresponding button on the Encoders page, then enter the following information:

  • Encoder name: The name of the encoder as it will appear in the LightFlow portal.
  • Tenant ID: The Tenant Id for the Azure subscription.
  • Client: The ID of the Service Principal App.
  • Key: The service principal password.
  • Subscription ID: The ID of the Azure subscription.
  • Azure Account Name: The Azure Media Services Account Name.
  • Resource Group Name: The Resource Group name.

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