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Account Management

To add a new account:

  1. From the Accounts List View, click the Add Account button.
  2. On the Add Account panel, type a unique user name in the Name text box.


    The user name cannot include special characters '/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >'.

  3. Select the Role for the user. See "Role" in Account Settings.
  4. Type the initial password in the Password field and again in the Confirm Password field. For the allowed characters, see "Password Requirements" in Changing Your Password.
  5. Click Add Account.


    Accounts are initially disabled upon creation. An administrator must enable new accounts before Kraken local users accounts can be used.

  6. After new users first sign in, they will be prompted to change the default password. Fill in the Change Password panel to create a new password.


    You can change your password at any time by going to Security>Accounts. See Changing Your Password.

To manage existing accounts:

  1. From the Accounts List View, click the Settings icon
    in an existing account row.
    The Account Settings open for the selected account (as shown in the following example). 
  2. To reset the password of an existing account, type the password in the New Password field and again in the Confirm Password field. For the allowed characters, see Password Requirements.
  3. To change your own password (i.e., for the account to which you have logged in), type your old password in the Current Password field, then type your new password in the New Password field and again in the Confirm Password field.
  4. To apply your changes, click Apply.

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