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Kraken OVA Deployment Guide

This Deployment Guide describes how to deploy Haivision's Kraken H.264/HEVC Video Encoder/Transcoder within a virtual environment from an Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file.


  • Kraken is available as a virtual machine for VMware ESXi and vSphere environments. For hardware acceleration of video encoding and decoding, VMWare ESXi 6.5 with Update 1 must be installed on the host appliance.
  • For Intel GPU accelerator support, processors from the SkyLake (or newer) generation with support for Intel Quick Sync Video (QSV) video are required. Iris Pro Graphics P580 or higher is recommended. 
  • As of release 3.0, Kraken supports NVIDIA GPUs which utilize NVENC.
  • As of release 3.2, Kraken supports capture and encoding of SDI input using SFP SDI->IP gateway devices, specifically Embrionix SDI-SFP devices. 
  • The minimum disk space requirement for Kraken VMs is 250 GB.

VMware Icon

This guide details how to enable GPU passthrough for hardware encoding and supported capture cards (when supported by the hardware, in the current release, either Iris Pro or NVIDIA  Quadro). This guide assumes you are familiar with VM servers and hypervisor systems.

After completing the steps in this guide, you will have a Kraken Virtual Machine installed that will include Kraken's support for hardware-accelerated video encoding and access to the capture card. 

For detailed Kraken configuration and operation information, please refer to the User's Guide. For the default credentials, refer to the Important Notice (postcard shipped with appliances). You may download the Important Notice as well as the latest software and Release Notes through the Download Center on the Haivision Support Portal.

Guide Contents

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