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Routes Screen


Remember routes are only visible from the subscription in which they were created. For instance, if you create a route under subscription n, you can only see that route if subscription n is currently selected. See Changing Subscriptions for how to switch to a different subscription.

You can view the available routes from the

Routes screen.

View Routes


To view the Routes screen:

  1. In the navigation sidebar, click the
    Routes option.

Hub routes screen labeled.

Routes Option

Routes Tab

 Search Field

Route Status / Filter – Choose to focus only on Active, Inactive, and Failed Routes.

Select All Checkbox – for bulk actions.

 Sort Filters – Allows sorting by Last Updated, Status, Route Name, and Uptime and ability to choose in ascending or descending order.

Action Buttons – Performs a refresh or creates a new route.

Routes Pane – Provides a listing of all available route items. 

Route Item

Route Item

The Routes pane provides a listing of all the available routes. Each route item provides scannable route information and access to additional screens (Quick View and Route Builder).

Hub routes screen with individual route item labeled.

Routes Option

Multi-Select Checkbox

QuickView Toggle – Opens/closes the QuickView panel (see below).

Route Name – Clicking the name opens the Route Builder tab (see below).

Route Status

Number of Outputs

Number of Alerts 


Action Buttons (Play/Stop and Delete)

Route Item QuickView

QuickView Panel

To access a route's QuickView panel, click the

next to the route's name of the route item in which you are interested.

Hub routes screen with a route QuickView panel open and labeled.

QuickView Toggle – Opens and closes the QuickView panel.

Route's Name – Clicking the name opens the Routes Builder tab (see below).

Preview Thumbnail – Plays the stream's preview.

Bitrate Chart 

Timescale Dropdown Menu

Round Trip Time Chart

Packet Data

Hublet Selector – Indicates the current Hublet being shown. Use the
 to switch to display other Hublet's information.

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