In the side menu under Administration, click System Settings.
Click Certificates in the navigation toolbar. The Certificates page lists all generated certificate signing requests. The active certificate is indicated with a blue check.
Click the Generate button.
On the Generate Certificate or Private Key dialog that appears:
Enter a name for the certificate.
Esure the Type is Certificate Signing Request and fill in the remaining fields. See Certificate Settings.
For the Subject, click the icon and enter information about the device that the Identity Certificate represents. For more information, see the Subject entry in Certificate Settings. Click the Apply button.
Click the Apply button.
Returning to the Certificates list, click the link for the generated CSR to open the file in another window. Copy the contents (including both beginning and ending delimiters) and paste it into your Certificate Authority (CA) application.
The CA returns an intermediate certificate (trust chain) and signed certificate (CRT). See Importing and Activating a Certificate to import the returned certificates.
Keep in mind that there is a difference between importing a new certificate (that was generated externally) and importing a newly signed certificate whose request was previously generated and exported for signing.
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