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Certificate Settings

The following table lists the configurable certificate settings.


Please contact your Network Administrator if you are unsure what to put in any of these fields or if you are unsure whether the setting is required on your network.

Certificate SettingDescription
Generate Certificate or Private Key
NameEnter a unique name under which the certificate will be listed on the Certificates page.
TypeSelect the Signature Type:
  • Self-signed: The certificate will be generated and signed by the system, and the name will be added to the list of Identity Certificates.
  • Certificate Signing Request: A request will be generated and added to the list of certificates. Clicking on the name of the request in the list opens it in a new browser window for copying the content into a CA application. After the request is signed by a CA the resulting certificate can be imported into HMG/HSG.
Digest AlgorithmSelect the digest algorithm (Secure Hash Algorithm): SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512.
The Subject identifies the device being secured, in this case, the Media Gateway/SRT Gateway. Clicking the 
 icon opens a dialog to assist in properly formatting the subject.
  • Country
  • State (or province)
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Organizational Unit
  • Common Name


For successful authentication, the Common Name in the certificate should be the IP address (by default) or domain name of the device.

V3 ExtensionV3 extensions allow more configuration options to be inserted in the Code Signing Request, such as alternative subject names and usage restrictions to certificates.
Import Certificate or Private Key
TypeSelect the certificate type:
  • Certificates: (Identify/CA-chains/Bundles)
  • Private Key + Certificate Pair
Name(Certificates only) Name of the certificate.
Format(Certificates only) Select the file format for the Certificate (the formats differ in the way the file is encrypted):
  • Auto: detected from the file extension
  • Der: Distinguish Encoding Rules
  • PKCS #7
  • PKCS #12
PasswordIf the imported certificate contains a password protected private key, type its password in this field. Leave this field empty if the file is not password-protected.
Certificate FileSelect the file to upload.
Private Key(Private Key + Certificate Pair only) Select the file to upload.
Bundle File(Private Key + Certificate Pair only) Select the file to upload.
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