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Use layouts to save groups of assets and easily swap them in or out on the activity interface.

Selecting a Layout

To select a layout:

  1. Click the Layouts icon.
  2. Select a layout from the list. The display updates to reflect the currently selected layout.

Creating a Layout

To create a new layout:

  1. Click the Assets icon to open the assets tray.
  2. Click and drag assets onto the display.
  3. Click the Layouts icon. 
  4. Click the Save Layout button.
  5. Enter a Layout Name.

  6. Click Save Layout. The new layout is added to the list.

Updating a Layout

To update a layout:

  1. Click the Layouts icon.
  2. Click the
     icon on the layout to update.
  3. Click Update Layout.
  4. Enter a new Layout Name.
  5. Click Yes, Update Layout.

Deleting a Layout

To delete a layout:

  1. Click the Layouts icon.
  2. Click the
     icon on the layout to delete.
  3. Click Delete Layout. A confirmation prompt appears.

  4. Click Yes, Delete Layout.
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