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IP Stream

An IP Stream asset is a video stream hosted outside of Command 360 that is being broadcasted by its IP address.


For information on supported IP stream protocols and URL formatting, see IP Stream Properties.

To create an IP stream asset:

  1. Click the user icon in the top right and click AdminResources.
  2. Click the Assets option on the left navigation column.
    Asset Manager
  3. Click the Create Asset button in the Assets interface.
  4. Select IP Stream from the Create Asset panel, then click Next.
    Create Asset Panel

  5. Enter a unique Asset Name.
  6. Enter the IP Address for the streaming asset.
  7. Add tags if desired, then click Save.
    IP Asset Details

The new asset is now available for use.

Add IP Stream to a Room

Assets must be assigned to a room to be viewed on a video wall. Refer to Managing Room Resources for further instruction.

Add IP Stream to an Activity

Assets must be assigned to a specific activity within a room to be viewed on the video wall. Refer to Activity Resources for further instruction.

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