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Adding Accounts

To add a new user account:

  1. Click the user icon in the top right corner and click Admin > Resources.
  2. Click Account Management on the left navigation column.
  3. Click the Accounts tab.
  4. Click the Add Account button.
  5. Enter required account identifiers and password in the space provided. Identifiers include the unique Username, First Name, and Last Name. Assign and confirm a user password.
    Add Account Fields

  6. Click the drop-down arrow to assign Roles and Access Groups. More than one of each may be selected. At least one of each must be selected in order to grant permissions relevant to the user's position. Click Save Account when finished.
    Save Account Button

The new user account now appears in the table of system users.

Hover over any column heading to sort the table alphabetically. An arrow appears to the right of the heading and can be toggled to ascending or descending order by clicking directly on the arrow. The list re-sorts accordingly.

Accounts Summary Table

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