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_Services Settings

Network Services




Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for Web browsers acting as a client.


Only secured HTTP (HTTPS) is supported. See Managing Certificates (Encoder) or Managing Certificates (Decoder) to manage HTTP TLS certificates.


Secure Shell, a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices.


Telnet, a network protocol used on the Internet or local area networks to provide bidirectional communications via a virtual terminal connection.


Simple Network Management Protocol, a network protocol used mostly in network management systems to monitor network attached devices.

Haivision EMSEMS (Element Management System) allows simple management of Haivision-only devices. 





Protocol used for communication between the encoder and Furnace servers. Note that VF Pilot provides access to encoder configuration settings.


Audio Talkback (a Makito X feature) allows end users monitoring a streaming session to "talk back" to individuals at the video source, via a speaker or headphones connected to the encoder.

For details, see Audio Talkback.

Serial Pass-

Bi-directional serial pass-through for controlling serially attached devices such as PTZ controlled cameras. Both RS-232 and RS422 are supported.


The COM Port Mode must first be set to Pass-Through (see Managing the COM Port).


(Serial Pass-Through must be enabled) Specifies the TCP port that the Makito X will listen on for remote commands.

RTSPEnables streaming of video feeds from the Makito X encoder to a Milestone server for archiving and analysis using the RTSP protocol.
ONVIFEnables the ONVIF management API to send commands from the Milestone XProtect video management software (VMS) to the Makito X encoder.





Session Announcement Protocol, used to populate the device’s Streams table with streams advertised via the SAP protocol.

TalkbackAudio Talkback (a Makito X feature) allows end users monitoring a streaming session to “talk back” to individuals at the video source (encoder), via a microphone connected to the decoder. For details, see Audio Talkback.
SAP only
IPv4 Listening Address

Specifies the multicast IPv4 address on which the SAP service will listen (as defined in RFC 2974).


The Makito X decoder listens for SAP on three different addresses when Automatic is selected:

  • (IPv4 global scope announcement multicast address)
  • (IPv4 local scope announcement multicast address)
  • (IPv4 organization local scope announcement multicast address)

The standard IP addresses and ports for multicast SAP announcements are defined in RFC 2974.

IPv6 Listening Address

Specifies the multicast IPv6 address on which the SAP service will listen (as defined in RFC 2974).


The Makito X decoder listens to FF0X::2:7FFE where X is the 4-bit scope value.

PortSpecifies the UDP port on which the SAP service will listen.
Talkback only
PortSpecifies the destination port used by the encoder. Default = 9177.
Button Mode

Specifies whether the Web interface provides a push button or toggle switch for users to activate talkback.

  • Push Button provides “push-to-talk” functionality, which requires that users push a button to transmit audio and keep pushing the button to use the talkback channel. This prevents a user from accidentally locking and not releasing the channel.
  • Toggle Switch stays active until the user pushes it again.
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