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Administrative Events

Audit started

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to system auditing being enabled. A log entry is generated by starting auditing from the CLI or the Web Interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> user[host]: "audit start" <result>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 10:01:51 admin[]: "audit start" result=succeeded

Log entry generated by: Logged in user

System shutdown

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to shutdown and halt of the system. A log entry is generated by calling the shutdown command from the CLI.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> <process_name>[<process_id>]: shutting down for system halt

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 11:05:21 shutdown[965]:shutting down for system halt

Log entry generated by: shutdown process

System reboot

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a reboot of the system. The log entry is generated by calling the reboot command from the CLI, or by clicking the Reboot button on the Administration or Network pages of the Web Interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> shutdown[<process_id>]: shutting down for system reboot

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 10:46:07 shutdown[5880]: shutting down for system reboot

Log entry generated by: shutdown process

Installing a firmware upgrade

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the installation of a firmware upgrade package. A log entry is generated by successfully completing the installation of a new package either from the CLI or Web UI.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> package: Software package <hai_package_fname> was successfully installed."

Example of log entry:

Aug 17 14:59:00 package: "Software package haios_enc_v2.1.0-14.hai was successfully installed."

Log entry generated by: package process

Additional fields:

  • <hai_package_fname> Name of the firmware upgrade package being installed.

Changing network settings

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to changing settings such as Hostname, IP address, DNS settings, NTP server settings, Timezone, etc.

IP address

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig: Device IP address changed to <new_ipaddress>, netmask <new_netmask>, default gateway <new_gateway>, by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 16:01:26 ipconfig: Device IP address changed to, netmask, default gateway, by user admin.

Additional fields:

  • <new_ipaddress> The new IP address that was set for the encoder or decoder.
  • <new_netmask> The new netmask that was set for the encoder or decoder.
  • <new_gateway> The new gateway address that was set for the encoder or decoder.


Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig:Hostname of device changed to "<new_hostname>" by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 15:51:34 ipconfig:Hostname of device changed to "newHostname" by user admin.

Additional fields:

  • <new_hostname> The new hostname that was set for the encoder or decoder.

DHCP settings

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig: Device configured to use DHCP for automatic network configuration by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 15:57:41 ipconfig: Device configured to use DHCP for automatic network configuration by user admin.

DNS settings

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig: DNS settings of device changed; domain name is <domain_name>, DNS server address is <DNS_address>, by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 15:51:34 ipconfig: DNS settings of device changed; domain name is "", DNS server address is, by user admin

Additional fields:

  • <domain_name> The new domain name that was set for the encoder or decoder.
  • <DNS_address> The new DNS address that was set for the encoder or decoder.

NTP server settings

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig:NTP server setting for device changed to "<NTP_server>" by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 15:51:34 ipconfig: NTP server setting for device changed to "" by user admin.

Additional fields:

  • <domain_name> The new domain name that was set for the encoder or decoder.

Timezone settings

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> ipconfig:Timezone of device changed to "<new_timezone>" by user <user_name>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 15:51:34 ipconfig: Timezone of device changed to "America/Montreal" by user admin.

Additional fields:

  • <new_timezone> The new time zone that was set for the encoder or decoder.

Log entry generated by: ipconfig process

Logging in via CLI

The following events correspond to actions associated with logging in via the CLI.

Successful SSH login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a successful login to the system via SSH.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> sshd[<process_id>]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user <user_name> by (uid=0)

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:33:09 sshd[1206]:pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user admin by (uid=0)

Log entry generated by: sshd process

Failed SSH login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a failed attempt to login to the system via SSH.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> sshd[<process_id>]: error: PAM:Authentication failure for <user_name> from <host_address>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:35:44 sshd[1246]: error: PAM:Authentication failure for admin from

Log entry generated by: sshd process

Successful serial port login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a successful login to the system via the serial port.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> login[<<process_id>>]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user <user_name> by LOGIN(uid=0)

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:40:39 login[1250]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user admin by LOGIN(uid=0)

Log entry generated by: login process

Failed serial port login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a failed attempt to login to the system via the serial port.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> login[<process_id>]: pam_unix(login:auth): authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tts/0 ruser= rhost= user=<user_name>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:43:50 login[1286]: pam_unix(login:auth):authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tts/0 ruser= rhost= user=admin

Log entry generated by: login process

Logging in via the Web Interface

The following events correspond to actions associated with logging in via the Web UI.

Successful Web UI login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a successful login to the system via the web interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> web.cgi: pam_unix(wci:session): session opened for user <user_name> by (uid=0)

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:50:55 web.cgi: pam_unix(wci:session): session opened for user admin by (uid=0)

Log entry generated by: web.cgi process

Failed Web UI login

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to a failed attempt to login to the system via the web interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> web.cgi: pam_unix(wci:auth):authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=wci/X ruser= rhost=<host_address> user=<user_admin>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 12:53:59 web.cgi:pam_unix(wci:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=wci/X ruser= rhost= user=admin

Log entry generated by: web.cgi process

Enabling services

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the enabling, via CLI or Web UI, of one of the following services: SSH, HTTP, RTSP, SNMP, Telnet, Talkback, VF.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> service: <service_name> service started and enabled at system startup by <user_name> at <host_address>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 13:03:44 service:snmp service started and enabled at system startup by admin at

Log entry generated by: service process

Disabling services

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the disabling, via CLI or Web UI, of one of the following services: SSH, HTTP, RTSP, SNMP, Telnet, Talkback, VF.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> service: <service_name> service stopped by <user_name> at <host_address>.

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 13:03:41 service:snmp service stopped by admin at

Log entry generated by: service process

Creating administrative user accounts

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the creation of users with an administrative role. A log entry is generated by an attempt to create such an account using the CLI account command or the Web Interface  accounts page.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> <user_name>[host_address]: "account <target_user> create role=admin" <event_result>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:23:18 admin[]: "account testadmin create role=admin" result=succeeded

Log entry generated by: Logged in admin user (<user_name>)

Deleting administrative user accounts

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the deletion of users with an administrative role. A log entry is generated by an attempt to delete such an account using the CLI account command or the Web Interface accounts page.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> <user_name>[host_address]: "account <target_user> delete" <event_result>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:33:52 admin[]: "account testadmin delete" result=succeeded

Log entry generated by: Logged in admin user (<user_name>)

Changing user passwords

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to the changing of a user password. A log entry is generated by an attempt to change a user password using the CLI account command or the Web Interface accounts page.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> <user_name>[host_address]: "account <target_user> passwd " <event_result>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:44:07 admin[]: "account testadmin passwd" result=succeeded

Log entry generated by: Logged in admin user (<user_name>)

Logging out (manually and after a timeout)

The following events correspond to attempts to manually log out of a session after it has timed out.

Logging out from the Web UI

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to manually logging out of a session opened from the web interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> web.cgi: pam_unix(wci:session): session closed for user <user_name>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:54:05 web.cgi: pam_unix(wci:session): session closed for user admin

Log entry generated by: web.cgi process

Logging out from the serial port

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to manually logging out of a session opened from the serial port.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> login:pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user <user_name>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:55:11 login[1287]: pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user admin

Log entry generated by: login process

Logging out from SSH

Description of audit event: This event corresponds to manually logging out of a session opened from the web interface.

Audit event message syntax:

<date> <time> <log_source> <user_name>[host_address]: "account <target_user> passwd " <event_result>

Example of log entry:

Aug 22 14:56:57 sshd[1470]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user admin

Log entry generated by: sshd process

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