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The main Statistics section provides an overview of an SRT stream’s condition: its current state, the packets and bytes sent and received, the current bit rate, and (in the case of the source device), how long the stream has been active.

Makito X/X4 Encoder (SRT source device)

Makito X Encoder

Makito X4 Encoder

Makito X/X4 Decoder (SRT destination device)

Makito X Decoder

Makito X4 Decoder

StatusThe current operating status of the stream.
UptimeThe length of time the stream has been active (e.g., 1d22h5m41s).

Sent PacketsNumber of UDP packets sent for that stream.

Unsent PacketsNumber of UDP packets not sent for that stream.

Dropped PacketsNumber of dropped packets for that stream.
BitrateThe stream bitrate (in kbps).

Received PacketsNumber of UDP packets received for that stream.

Received BytesNumber of bytes received for that stream.

Last Statistics ResetTime since the Statistics page was last reset.

What to look for:

  • Make sure the connection state is not SCRAMBLED or STOPPED.
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