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Live Capture Settings

This section describes how to modify live capture settings for Play Pro when signed in to a Haivision Media Platform (HMP) system.


This topic contains references to HMP live capture and SRT settings.

To modify HMP live capture settings:

  1. Tap the
    icon to open the side menu.
  2. Select
    Open Side Menu Example

  3. Scroll down to the HMP Settings section and tap Live Capture Settings.
    HMP Settings Section

  4. Configure live capture settings as needed:

Live Capture Settings Screen

Live Session Settings
Share ListSelect HMP users and groups to share live content with.
Session NameThe name of the created HMP session.
DescriptionA brief description that is displayed with the session in HMP.
Video Capture Configuration
Video BitrateSelect a video bitrate or enter a custom one from 200 to 8,000 Kbps.
Audio BitrateSelect an audio bitrate from 64 to 256 Kbps.
ResolutionSelect a video resolution for the stream. Values include SD, HD-720, HD-1080, and UHD.
Frame RateSelect a frame rate from 15 to 60 FPS. For UHD, select a frame rate from 15 to 30 FPS.
SRT Settings
SRT ModeCaller, Listener, or Rendezvous.
PortSpecifies the destination port for the SRT stream.
Local Port(Caller and Rendezvous) Specifies the UDP source port for the SRT stream. A value of 0 will auto-assign the source port.
LatencySpecifies how long the decoder will buffer received packets.
EncryptionToggle on to encrypt HMP streams. If enabled, a random passphrase is generated.
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