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Manage Saved Streams

You can access a list of your saved streams from the side bar.

To manage recent streams:

  1. From the home page, click 
    to access the side bar.
    You will see a preview of your Saved streams.
  2. Click Saved to access the full list. 
  3. Click the Edit icon
    1. Organize the list order by dragging and dropping the saved streams using the Drag icon 
    2. Delete individual streams by clicking the Delete icon 

    3. Click Done to apply your changes.
  4. Click the More Options

    menu in the header to
    Add Saved Stream
    Export All, or
    Delete All
    See Importing and Exporting Saved Streams


    After clicking

    Delete All, a warning will appear asking for your confirmation to delete all streams.

    Click Delete All to confirm, or click Cancel to cancel this action. 

  5. Manage individual streams my clicking the More Options 
    menu next to the stream name. From this menu:
    1. Click Edit to open the Edit Saved Stream panel and make changes to the stream configuration. 
    2. Click Duplicate to immediately add a copy of the stream to the Saved streams list. 
    3. Click Delete to delete the saved stream.

      A warning will appear to confirm that you would like to delete the stream. To confirm click Delete again.

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