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The mkstill command is used to convert a static picture into a file containing an encoded single H.264 GOP sequence. This is required in order to configure a Makito X stream with a static image that will replace the “real” video stream when streaming is paused.

The supported source formats for the static image are BMP, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. The supported output resolutions are 1920x1080, 1280x720, 720x480 (NTSC), and 720x576 (PAL).


The maximum size of the source image is 2048x2048 pixels.

The resulting still image files are stored on the Makito X file system under /usr/share/haivision/still_images.


mkstill <infile> resolution


infile is the name of the image file to convert into a still image.






Specifies the desired resolution of the still image. Supported values include:

  • 1080 for 1920x1080
  • 720 for 1280x720
  • 480, NTSC for 720x480
  • 576, PAL for 720x576
  • VGA for 640x480
  • SVGA for 800x600
  • XGA for 1024x768
  • XGA+ for 1152x864
  • WXGA for 1280x768
  • WXGA2 for 1280x800
  • SXGA for 1280x1024
  • WXGA3 for 1360x768
  • WXGA4 for 1366x768
  • WXGA+ for 1440x900
  • SXGA+ for 1400x1050
  • HD+ for 1600x900
  • UXGA for 1600x1200
  • WSXGA+ for 1680x1050
  • WUXGA for 1920x1200


# mkstill myimage.jpg resolution=1080

Converts the image file myimage.jpg into a 1920x1080 still image.

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